eBOOK Store Distribution Updates | ShuCream BL

We are pleased to announce that 26 new online stores have been added to the list of platforms where you can read our manga! The updated list includes almost 30 positions. Now ShuCream’s titles are available not only on English-language Japanese ebook stores such as BookWalker, MangaPlaza, and MANGA.CLUB, but also on Japanese Kindle eBooks, Google Play Books, Rakuten kobo, animate Bookstore, FOD, and many other platforms.
The full list of all distribution channels where you can purchase the digital version of our manga translated into English is available below.
- Ameba Manga
- animate Bookstore
- au Book Pass
- BookLive!
- BookLive!comic
- DLsite/comipo
- DMMブックス
- ebookjapan
- Google Play Books
- honto
- Kindle eBooks
- LINEマンガ
- Manga Box Co., Ltd.
- music.jp
- pixiv COMIC
- Rakuten kobo
- lReader Store
- Seven Net Shopping
- ひかりTVブック
- マンガBANG!
- まんが王国
- 紀伊國屋書店Kinoppy
- 漫画全巻ドットコム
Currently, the following 10 titles can be purchased on any of the ebook stores mentioned above.
- “A Kiss that Stains the Innocence” by Emu Soutome
- “Ask And You Will Receive” by Niyama
- “Hatsujo Playroom” by Shiramatsu
- “I Won’t Say I Love You” by Yahilo Caji
- “Lullaby of the Dawn 1” by Ichika Yuno
- “Nectar 1” by akabeko
- “The Man Who Shattered My World” by Osamu Moriya
- “Under My Skin” by Iroha Usui
- “Wails of the Bound” by Keri Kusabi
We are planning to extend the list of our digital distribution channels as well as titles in the future. Please keep following our updates for news and content. Enjoy reading manga with ShuCream!